Reg4Tech is an IT Audit and IT Consulting services provider which is a member of the Russell Bedford International and affiliate of FINCAP Group of Companies:

With our extensive knowledge and information security background, we will assist you to implement and maintain a cost-effective and efficient Information Security Governance and being able to demonstrate to your stakeholders your organisation’s commitment.

Our Mission

Assist our clients to enhance their Information Security controls so they can meet their market and regulatory obligations, while boosting their market image.

Meet our CEO

Demos Demou

Chief Executive Officer

Demos is the CEO of Reg4Tech Ltd, an IT Audit and IT Consulting services company with a vast portfolio of offerings across industries.

Demos experience is around the understanding, evaluation and validation of Information Systems and business procedures of a large number of companies operating locally and abroad. He has extensive experience in providing Information Systems (IS) Audits, Security Management reviews, Risk Management, IT Governance, Data Protection and IT Compliance reviews. His experience expands to Third Party Assurance controls reporting (ISAE 3402/SOC1 & ISAE  3000/SOC2), Implementing and auditing Business Continuity Management (BCM) in line with the ISO 22301 standard, Implementing and auditing Information Security Management (ISMS) in line with the ISO 27001 standard and Security awareness and Data Protection trainings.

Demos was leading IT Audit and IT Consulting services in a Big 4 company in Cyprus for almost 20 years in various industries (Banking, EMIs/PIs, Forex, Investments, Insurance, Telecoms, retails, hospitality) with the aim to assist companies to identify, evaluate and respond to their IT weaknesses and IT risks. As part of the projects, he was advising companies on how to enhance their IT strategy and internal IT controls.

Demos is also the Immediate Past President of the ISACA’s Cyprus chapter Board, an affiliated member of the ISACA international “Information Systems Audit and Controls Association” (ISACA).

Our Credentials